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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia on Thursday evening confirmed that senior Al-Shabaab leader, Maolim Ayman was killed in a joint military operation by Somali National Army and the U.S forces in Jilib district in Middle Jubba region Southern parts of the Country.

Daud Aweis Jama, Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of Somalia said in a statement that the joint operation happened on 17th December in the group’s strong-hold Jilib town, saying it is great significant loss for the group.

“Moalim Ayman, a senior leader of Al Shabab, was confirmed to have been killed in a joint operation by the Somali National Army with assistance from US forces on December 17th. Ayman was accountable for planning multiple lethal terrorist attacks in #Somalia and nearby countries”, he said.

He added that the Somali Government and its International Parters is committed to attacking terrorsits while calling for the group fighters and commanders to benefit from the amnesty offer and join with their people before they are destroyed by the joint forces.

Ayan was considered to be among top leaders of Al-Shabaab militants, but the group did not comment on the Government’s claim over this so far.

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