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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-16 Somali nationals who were stranded in Russia, have been returned back to Mogadishu, Somalia with assistacne from United Nations Migration Agency IOM today on Saturday, officials said.

These citizens were intending to get into through smuggling and were arrested during their way to other European countires by Russian Security forces according to one of the returnees.

One of these youth who spoke to the local media after landing at Adden Abdulle Airport, expressed pleasure to their return to their country back safely.

“We are happy that our Government released us from prisons where were in over 30 days, and return to our country “, He said.

The Somalia’s Ministry of foreign Affairs said that the Government is committed to bringing back to all Somali Nationals stranded in abroad.

This is not the first time, the Somali Government returns Somali citizens in foreign custodies back home, but it brought back several hundred people from Libya, India and others.

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