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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the UK Government have welcomed the agreement between Somalia and Somaliland to continue their discussions in a statement jointly released by both parties on Friday night.

This agreement signed by the Somali Minister of Interior, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, and his Somaliland counterpart, Mohamed Kaahin Ahmed followed two days of negotiations in Djibouti, under the mediation of Djiboutian, President Ismail Omar Guelleh.

This consensus agreement reached by both the governments have received support from Somalia’s international partners notably IGAD and the UK government, viewing it as a significant move towards reconciliation.

“We welcome the communiqué agreed following important talks between Somalia and Somaliland Presidents @HassanSMohamud & @musebiihi in Djibouti – a vital step towards reconciliation,” UK embassy in Somalia said on X.

The Executive Secretary of IGAD, Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu welcome the efforts by the governments, emphasizing the importance of dialogue to solve grievances and differences.

“I welcome the diplomatic efforts between FGS and Somaliland’s talks convened under the leadership of H.E. President Ismail Omar Guelleh in Djibouti this week, and emphasise the importance of peaceful means and dialogue in resolving differences and grievances in our region and beyond,” said Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, IGAD’s Executive Secretary.

The agreement involved seven key points including the commitment by both parties to resuming roadmap talks, focusing on addressing critical issues to achieve a lasting solution.

Somalia and Somaliland have agreed on the roadmap process and will establish a technical committee tasked with facilitating discussions within a 30-day timeframe.

The agreement also emphasized the joint implementation of prior agreements made between 2012 and 2020 during diplomatic dialogues held in Turkey, London, and Djibouti.

They parties further committed to full cooperation, particularly in combating organized crimes in collaboration with relevant agencies. They have emphasized a collective effort to bring peace and stability to conflict-prone areas, including the Sool region, advocating for the use of the traditional Somali Dispute Resolution System to halt violence.

Somaliland declared autonomy in 1991 after the collapse of the functional Somali government but has not yet received international recognition as an independent state. Despite this, it has maintained peace and security for over 30 years.

The talks between Somalia and Somaliland began in 2012, started by the Transitional Somali Government, but were halted in 2020 after failing to reach sustainable solutions between the two parties.

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