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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Parliament of Somalia is on Wednesday expected to take a tough decision in making some amendments to the provisional constitutional, amid divisions from the bicameral and rejections from opposition politicians.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Prime Minister Hamza, Ministers and some members from both Houses of the Parliament are lobbying for the completion of the constitution. The transition is to move to presidential system and to abolish Prime Minister’s post.

““It is also an obstacle to our stability as a government. For us to have any relations with another government, we should have a complete constitution. This will result in Somalia being seen as a country that has cut itself off from the cycle of vulnerability that was creating a lot of doubt”, President said during his speech before the Parliament in November last year.

But Former Presidents and Prime Ministers express concern over the immediate changes made into provisional constitution. Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, Hassan Ali Khaire and Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharma’arke opposed to the Government’s intention towards the constititiutional change at moment.

“What is the objective of tabling divisive constitutional changes when we are facing major internal & external challenges. The hon MPs must understand that such changes could not be carried out unless adopting this unconditional procedure before you. Protect the process & Vote NO” Former Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid said on X formerly twitter.

The move comes as the Federal Government continues diplomatic efforts to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity following MoU between Somaliland and Ethiopia, leasing port-access to Ethiopia.

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