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Addis Ababa(Mogadishu24)-Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed Ali on Wednesday morning received Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Molly Phee and Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Ambassador Mike Hammer for discussions on regional and multilateral issues.

“This morning, I welcomed Molly Phee from the US Department of State and Ambassador Michael Hammer, US Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, for a discussion on regional and multilateral issues”, Abiy Ahmed said on X after the meeting.

“Their travel will focus on the African Union (AU) Summit, where they will meet with AU officials, as well as heads of state and ministers attending the summit.  While in Addis Ababa, Assistant Secretary Phee will also meet Government of Ethiopia officials to discuss bilateral and regional issues”, U.S Department of State said in a statement before their arrival in Ethiopia.

The United States reaffirmed the value of a strong African Union and welcomes the AU’s leadership on the global stage.

“We are proud of our strong partnership with the AU, its member states, and the peoples of Africa.  We are dedicated to working together to advance our shared global priorities to foster openness and open societies, deliver democratic and security dividends, promote economic opportunity and pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, and support conservation, climate adaptation, and a just energy transition”, said the statement.

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