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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Benadir Regional Administration has on Wednesday taken a decisive step to enhance security within its jurisdiction by imposing a ban on wearing headscarves, hats, caps, and carrying weapons while on motorcycles, auto-rickshaws, and other civilian vehicles.

Spokesman for the BRA, Salah Osman Dhere said in press conference that this directive, aimed at tightening security measures, mandates law enforcement agencies to take action against anyone who refuses to comply with these new regulations.

“Mogadishu Mayor, Yusuf Hussein Jimale instructed Security and law enforcement to implement the ban, in-order to ensure the security of the region. the decision came after a meeting in which the President of the Federal Government,Hassan Sh. Mohamud presided over the security in the region”, The Spokesman said.

The decision comes in the wake of a devastating attack on a Mogadishu’s General Gordan army base by the militant group of Al-Shabaab four days ago. The assault resulted in the tragic loss of lives, including foreign nationals from the UAE and Bahrain, as well as members of the Somali National Army.

The ban is part of a broader strategy to prevent such incidents in the future by making it harder for attackers to conceal their identities and weapons, thereby safeguarding the residents and strengthening the security framework in the region.

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