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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia on Tuesday handed over a piece of land allocated to Chinese Embassy near Mogadishu International Airport for function expansion

Fardowsa Osman Egal, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation of the Federal Republic of Somalia and other from officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Civil Aviation Authority attended the handing over ceremony.

“This new stretch of land will be used to expand Embassy functions to facilitate personnel exchanges & economic cooperation between the two countries #China #Somalia. The Chinese Embassy appreciates Somali Federal Government of Somalia & stays committed to enhancing the bilateral relations”, Chinese Embassy said on X Wednesday.

“On behalf of Chinese Embassy, I declare that we accept and take over this piece of land and we believe this new stretch will be very helpful of us to expand our function into completion which will very beneficial to our two countries’s cooperation and relationship”, Wendi, Charge d’affairs of Chinese Embassy in Mogadishu said.

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