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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Police Force Command on Sunday announced that it is sending about 100 Police officers to three countries in Africa, Assia and Europe for training, in order, to promote their skills and knowledge.

The Director of the Police for planning and Training Unit, Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed revealed that they were sending 84 officers to China, Serbia and Egypt, saying its the largest the number in which the Police Command dispatch in a single month for ever.

“We are sending 20 of these members to China, 25 of them to Serbia while we are sending 24 officers and 15 coaches to Egypt for training related to counter-terrorism, criminal investigation and management. There are 101 soldiers who are in abroad for now”, he said.

Speaking at a farewell event for these officers, Police Force Commissioner, Sulub Ahmed Firin urged the teams to convey good image of the country during their course and behave well, adding that the training would increase professional capacity.


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