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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hassan Sh. Mohamud expressed good feelings to the people and leadership of Somaliland, wishing them to hold peaceful and democratic election in November this year.

Speaking at the mosque in Mogadishu after the Friday prayer, President Hassan provided further interpretations regarding to his Government ‘s stance against Somaliland, following the MoU with Ethiopian, leasing 20 kilometres of sea access to Ethiopia on January 1st, 2024

“We no problem with Somaliland, the people are our brothers and sisters, let them hold their elections and we pray for them to have peaceful and democratic elections happen in the region. There is no particular issue we have with Somaliland, but only what we said earlier and it was about our togetherness, how we will stay together, we accepted it for discussion”, Hassan said.

He reminded oppositions of his Government to be very cautious of some situations like the sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity and urged them not to politicize them.

President Hassan’s comment comes as the Breakaway Republic of Somaliland is planning to joint parts and presidential elections on November 13, 2024

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