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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia has officially launched its first-ever Justice Sector Strategy Development for 2025-2030, a crucial step in reforming its justice system, during a three-day leadership retreat in Mogadishu this week.

Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Hassan Moallim, expressed the significance of this initiative: “There was no plan or strategy between these judiciary branches; we are sitting for that today, it is a historic moment and that is good consultation, if there is no shared strategy that means, every group has to make its own justice service and it can cause contradictions which don’t serve for the population in which we are responsible.”

Baashe Ahmed Yusuf, Chief of the Supreme Court, highlighted the deep-rooted significance of justice in Somali culture: “Somali people often express their true feelings through the literature, and they talk about their literature that justice is a foundation for everything and a population can’t exist without justice and enjoy peace.”

The retreat, marked by collaborative discussions and innovative strategy development sessions, sets the stage for comprehensive reforms aimed at enhancing the fairness, accessibility, and efficiency of justice services across Somalia.

“The Justice Sector Strategy Planning Retreat is currently underway, marking a key step towards developing Somalia’s first Justice Sector Strategy for 2025-2030. Hosted by@MojSomalia, this retreat brings together key justice stakeholders, emphasizing a collaborative effort to establish a fair and accessible justice system”, The Attorney General, Suleyman Mohamoud said on X during the event.

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