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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Independent Constitutional Review Commission (ICRIC) of Somalia has officially commenced the review of Chapters 5-9 of the national constitution. This marks the beginning of the final stages in the drafting and review process, aiming to complete the country’s long-awaited constitutional framework.

The announcement was made during Saturday’s ICRIC meeting, following the recent historic adoption of the first four chapters by the Federal Parliament in a joint session. This milestone has been celebrated nationwide as a significant step towards solidifying Somalia’s democratic institutions and legal frameworks.

In conjunction with the ICRIC’s announcement, the National Consultative Council (NCC) held a crucial meeting emphasizing the urgent need for the Federal Parliament to expedite their duties regarding the constitution’s completion. The council highlighted the importance of completing the constitution to establish a stable and functional federal system in Somalia.

The review of the remaining chapters, which cover critical aspects of governance and federalism, is essential for addressing key issues such as the division of powers between federal and regional authorities, the establishment of judicial and legal systems, and the protection of human rights.

The Federal Parliament’s timely approval and adoption of the remaining chapters are crucial for ensuring that Somalia can move forward with a comprehensive and cohesive constitutional framework. The parliament’s commitment to this task was reiterated during the NCC meeting, with calls for increased collaboration and efficiency to meet the set deadlines.

As the ICRIC embarks on this critical phase of the constitutional review, there is a sense of optimism and urgency among Somali leaders and citizens alike. The successful review and adoption of the remaining chapters will pave the way for a more robust and democratic Somalia, capable of addressing the needs and aspirations of its people.

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