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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-President Muse Bihi Abdi on Sunday addressed the current state of agriculture in Somaliland, highlighting its significance and the challenges faced by the sector. In his speech, he emphasized agriculture’s vital role in the economy, second only to livestock, which remains the predominant economic activity.

“Agriculture is a cornerstone of our economy, supporting approximately 25% of our population directly,” President Bihi stated. “However, we are only cultivating about 500,000 hectares of our estimated 1.7 million hectares of arable land.”

The President pointed out that 90% of the cultivated land in Somaliland relies on rainfed agriculture, which is heavily dependent on the region’s variable rainfall patterns. Coastal areas receive approximately 200 millimeters of rain annually, while inland regions can receive between 500 to 600 millimeters. This variability in rainfall significantly impacts crop yields, making agricultural production highly unpredictable.

“The timing and volume of rainfall are crucial for our rainfed crops,” Bihi noted, highlighting the sector’s vulnerability to climate conditions.

In response to these challenges, the Somaliland government has undertaken several key initiatives to boost agricultural productivity and resilience

“Our goal is to equip our farmers with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive, even in challenging conditions,” President Bihi said. “By focusing on soil conservation and experimenting with crop varieties suited to our environment, we aim to bolster agricultural productivity.”

President Bihi’s address underscored the importance of continued investment and development in the agricultural sector, which is critical for Somaliland’s food security and economic stability. The government’s commitment to supporting farmers and improving agricultural practices is seen as a crucial step towards achieving a more sustainable and resilient agricultural system in Somaliland.

The initiatives undertaken reflect a proactive approach to overcoming the challenges posed by climate variability and ensuring that agriculture continues to play a key role in the country’s economic development.

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