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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-In a recent episode of the Sitrep podcast, produced by the Dawan Media Group, a senior journalist and writer Abubakar Albadri raised alarms about an increasing disconnect between Somalia’s Federal Member States and the Federal Government in Mogadishu. This growing fragmentation in national security coordination, according to Albadri, poses significant risks as the country navigates a post-ATMIS future.

Albadri highlighted a crucial gap in communication and coordination that has emerged due to recent changes in the national security structure.

“I think there is a disconnect because when you see the security connection between the federal member states and Villa Somalia now, there is a vacuum,” he said. He noted that under previous administrations, a national security office within the President’s office included coordinators from each federal member state, ensuring a direct line of communication and coordination. This structure, he pointed out, no longer exists, creating what he described as an “information gap.”

The absence of these coordinators has led to a fragmentation in the flow of critical security information, which Albadri believes undermines national security efforts. “Yes, information gap, security information gap,” he emphasized, adding that this disconnect is further exacerbated by political issues, particularly the ongoing electoral process. The electoral environment, according to Albadri, has shifted the focus of top leaders away from security concerns, further widening the rift between federal and state security operations.

Albadri also discussed the strained relationship with Ethiopia, a major contributor to security forces in certain federal states. The deteriorating relations between Ethiopia and the Somali federal government compound the challenges faced by Somalia in maintaining cohesive security measures. “The third disconnection is Ethiopia, which is a bigger contributor to the forces in these two federal states, have no good terms with the federal government in Somalia,” he explained.

These insights from the Sitrep podcast, known for its in-depth analysis and produced by the reputable Dawan Media Group, underscored the urgency for Somalia’s federal and state governments to bridge these gaps and establish a more coordinated approach to national security.

As Somalia prepares for a future without the support of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), the need for effective communication and collaboration between the Federal Government and Federal Member States becomes increasingly crucial.

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