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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Benadir regional administration has on Wednesday announced that it has arrested men accused of heading a network that allegedly extorted illegal payments from motorcycle (Bajaaj) drivers operating in Mogadishu.

The detained men have been taking bribes from the riders while pretending to be working with the Benadir region’s administration.

However, the regional administration denied reports and stated that these men will face the rule of law.

The spokesman of the Benadir regional administration, Salah Arab, told the media that the arrested men would be brought to justice and presented before the court.

“There have been complaints from Bajaj riders in Mogadishu that they have been charged money outside of the legal fees, which they said is $27. This had nothing to do with the regional administration,” Salah said.

The spokesman also noted that there are no additional charges that are required by the regional administration.

This step taken by the Benadir region administration came days after most of the Mogadishu Bajaj drivers strongly opposed and rejected the new directives.

They urged the governor of the region and their respective members of parliament to deal with the issue.

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