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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-High Representative and Vice-President Josep Borrell is in Djibouti for an official visit, aiming to fortify bilateral relations with Djibouti, recognized as a pivotal partner for the European Union (EU) in the region. Additionally, the mission will evaluate the impact of EU naval operations across the broader region.

Borrell visited the military vessels under EUNAVFOR ASPIDES and the detachment of EUNAVFOR ATALANTA in Djibouti. These engagements, combined with his visit to the EUNAVFOR ASPIDES Operational Headquarters, will provide Borrell with an opportunity to directly observe how EU operations enhance regional security and interact with European personnel committed to safeguarding maritime navigation.

Sunday’s itinerary includes a visit to the EU-funded Doraleh desalination plant, a critical infrastructure project addressing Djibouti’s water needs and bolstering the nation’s water resource independence according to a statement.

On Monday, Borrell will conduct several bilateral meetings, notably with Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of Djibouti, and Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Djibouti. These discussions will be followed by a press conference available on EbS.

Borrell emphasized the strategic importance of the naval operations, stating on X, “The Operations @EUNAVFOR Atalanta and @EUNAVFORASPIDES are complementary in maritime situational awareness and support each other in protecting freedom of navigation. The EU is grateful to Djibouti, whose support is essential to make these Operations a success.”

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