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Jig-jiga(Mogadishu24)-The diaspora community, originally hailing from Ethiopia’s Somali Region, made a decision to return to their homeland and embark on investment plans within the region.

Ardo Abdi Mohamed, among the diaspora from the Fiiq district, is planning to launch an agricultural project in the area. The farmland earmarked for Ardo’s project features a variety of crops, including corn and tomatoes. Plans to expand this agricultural initiative have been confirmed by the district administration.

Noor Hashi, the Governor of Fiiq District, representing Ardo during the project’s monitoring, urged other diaspora members to consider investing in the homeland, assuring them of a warm welcome and cooperation from the administration.

The Fiiq district agricultural office has provided necessary materials and equipment to thousands of farmers within the district.

In collaboration with the Somali Regional Ministry of Agriculture, the Agricultural Seeding Company distributed 11,000 quintals of improved seeds to districts that experienced heavy rains. The enhanced seeds include crops such as corn, wheat, sesame, shumbura, and beans.

Abdullahi Mohamed Farah, the manager of the Agricultural Seed Company, highlighted that improved seeds are benefiting 83 districts, including those that have received sufficient rains during this ‘dayr’ season.

In September, the Office of Investment and Industry of the Somali Regional Government organized a consultation conference involving the government and the diaspora community.

The discussions centered on the diaspora’s role in investment opportunities, emphasizing crucial sectors such as education, employment, agriculture, livestock, industry, and the utilization of natural resources in the region.

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