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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Prime Minister of the federal government of Somalia, Hamza Abdi Barre on Saturday launched the national identification and registration process to strengthen digital information in Somalia.

During the inauguration event in Mogadishu, the prime minister has been officially registered in the Somali ID system, becoming an example to millions of Somali citizens.

The prime minister emphasized the importance of this biometric system noting that it will help the Somali people overcome the socio-economic challenges that have plagued their development.

Prime Minister Hamza stated that the digital identification system will enhance opportunities for the citizens, as well as fostering national cohesion and advancing democracy and rule of law.

He noted that the government of Somalia is committed to ensure that its citizens enjoy equal rights and opportunities for government services.

The Director General of the National Identification and Registrations Authority (NIRA), Abdiwali Ali Abdulle underscored the importance of the ID system to the citizens.

“Our presentation offers a comprehensive overview of the national ID system, covering identification systems, technology readiness, governance and legal frameworks,” said Abdiwali Ali Abdulle, the Director General of NIRA.

He stated that the digital identification system represents trust, security, and progress, and a tool to empower Somali citizens, stimulate economic growth, and bolster our national security.

The director reiterated the authority’s commitment to establish a secure and efficient identification system that will prioritize data privacy.

“It provides a holistic perspective on our work, emphasizing how the system improves social services, addresses grievances and prioritizes data privacy. Our goal is to establish a secure and efficient national identification system,” he added.

Somalia has been facing security threats from Al-Shabaab terrorists organisation and civil war that have affected the effectiveness of its institutions.

Despite these challenges, the federal government has strengthened and doubled its efforts to combat terrorism and revive its institutions such as the Defence and Security, Immigration and Registrations departments, Anti-corruption agencies, and the auditing and financial management systems.

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