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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-Djibouti and Kenyan Government welcomed and congratulated Somalia on winning the non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council 2025-2026

“Congrats for Somalia elected at the UN Security Council as a none permanent member (2025-2026). Great to see that the federal gvt efforts have been recognised by the international community”, Minister of foreign Affairs of Djibouti, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf said on X this morning.

National Security Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kenya, Amb. Dr. Monica Juma also extended congratulations to the Republic of Somalia on its election to the United Nations Security Council, as a representative of the region and the continent of Africa.

“Congratulations to the Republic of Somalia on its election to the United Nations Security Council, as a representative of our region and the continent of Africa. Compliments also go to the other new members of the council, namely Pakistan, Denmark, Panama, and Greece. We look forward to working with you all as we seek a freer, secure and prosperous world”, she said on X.

Somalia, Djibouti and Kenya are currently running for the position of the African Union Commission Leadership and it is not yet clear who can win its election which will happen on February next year.

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