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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-The Republic of Djibouti opened the Djibouti-Malaysia Business Forum on Wednesday to discuss trade and investment partnerships and opportunities between the two countries to foster economic growth.

The two-day Business forum was organized by the Secretariat of Investment and Private Business Development in collaboration with the Djibouti Chamber of Commerce.

The opening of the forum was chaired by Djibouti’s Prime Minister, Abdoulkadir Kamil Mohamed, and attended by ministers, traders, directors, and top government officials from both Djibouti and Malaysia.

Discussions mainly focused on strengthening trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, as well as opening investment opportunities for traders in both nations.

Djibouti’s Prime Minister, Abdoulkadir Kamil, highlighted the importance of this business forum in strengthening trade relations between the two nations.

He revealed Djibouti’s long-term plan in Vision 2035, which focuses on making Djibouti an international trade and investment hub.

“This forum is an important approach to foster our partnership in areas of mutual interest, particularly in the economy and investment sectors. This shows our commitment to strengthen our relationships with Malaysia, involving joint efforts and shared opinions at an international level,” said Prime Minister Abdoulkadir Kamil Mohamed.

He added, “The Republic of Djibouti has achieved important progress that gives room for international investors. This progress is part of the government vision for 2035 with a focus on expanding Djibouti into an international logistics, trade, and economic hub.”

The Secretary for Investment and the Private Sector, Ms. Sofia Mohamed Ali Gadilleh, mentioned that this move will enhance trade cooperation between the two countries and address the mutual interests of both nations.

“This historic forum opens the door for trade and investment opportunities between Djibouti and Malaysia, facilitating investment opportunities for our investors in both nations. It will enhance our bilateral cooperation in various sectors of mutual interest,” Ms. Sofia Gadilleh said.

“Djibouti is now a stable country both economically and politically and very friendly for investment. We have developed our ports, which are now an integral pillar in our economic growth. We are also in the regional markets like COMESA with more than 7 million customers and a trade hub in the Horn of Africa,” she added.

Djibouti’s Minister of Economy and Finance, Ilyas Musa Dawaleh, emphasized Djibouti’s strategic plans to boost its trade partnerships with Malaysia and other Asian countries.


“This Djibouti-Malaysia Business Forum will have fruitful exchanges, a bright future, and great opportunities for our two countries,” said Minister Ilyas M Dawaleh.

Djibouti has over the years transformed its institutions, including finance, trade and investment, health, water, housing, and statistical and data institutions, while promoting efforts to empower the entire African continent through data-driven decision-making.

Last week, the government of Djibouti has signed three different cooperation agreements with UNICEF, the Republic of Ivory Coast and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, involving crucial areas including protection of children’s rights, human rights and economic growth.

Its strategic location in Africa, coupled with unique natural resources, has positioned Djibouti as a key trade hub on the continent, attracting investments and strengthening bilateral relations with countries including France, the United States, Russia, Italy, China, and several Arab nations.

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