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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)- The Republic of Djibouti and the US have embarked on a collaborative military effort, involving the provision of military training to the Djibouti Marine Forces and coastal guards by the US.

The 7-days capacity-building training, concluded, and focused on the creation of awareness and improved information.  Top-performing soldiers were honoured with certificates of distinction.

Deputy Director of Military Cooperation at the US Embassy in Djibouti, Commander Neha Atavale, emphasized the importance of this training on the military ties between the two nations. She reiterated the commitment of the US government to reinforcing relations with the Djibouti government.

“I am honored to be present at this important event, marking the conclusion of training for the marine forces and coastal guards. Congratulations are in order for the diligent and hardworking soldiers who have successfully completed this training. This collaborative effort shows the ongoing partnership between the governments of the US and Djibouti, as we work towards strengthening these relationships,” Ms. Neha Atavale said.

Colonel Wa’ays Omar Boqore, Commander of the Djibouti Coastal Guards, shed lights on the wide range of skills offered by in the training. 

“This week-long comprehensive training,  involved our coastal guards, marine forces, and international partners, has been an exceptional moment. It has covered a diverse range of topics, including safeguarding Djibouti’s maritime boundaries, promoting awareness, and enhancing our economic capacities,” Colonel Wa’ays elaborated.

He further expressed appreciation for the continuous support offered by international partners, stating, “We extend our congratulations and gratitude for the continuous support extended to us by our international partners. Equipped with the knowledge gained from this training, we are now prepared to return to our duties and serve the people of Djibouti more effectively.”

Meanwhile, President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, engaged in pivotal bilateral discussions with US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, through a phone call.

The discussions centred on the reinforcement of security cooperation between the two nations. Djibouti’s security status and the strengthenijg of military relations took centre stage, with additional discourse on matters related to regional peace and security.

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