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Cairo(Mogadishu24)-Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on Saturday received Eritrean counterpart, President Isaias Afwerki, emphasizing the sovereignty of Somalia and regional stability. The leaders, during their official discussions, underscored the urgent need for respecting Somalia’s sovereignty, highlighting this as a cornerstone for peace in the Horn of Africa.

The meeting, marked by ceremonial salutes and a Guard of Honor, underscored Egypt and Eritrea’s commitment to deepening bilateral relations across economic, trade, and security sectors. Both presidents expressed their dedication to enhancing trade exchanges and supporting the presence of Egyptian companies in Eritrea, aiming for mutual benefits in priority sectors.

Regional security, particularly the situation in the Red Sea and the urgent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, dominated the discussions. The leaders stressed the importance of de-escalation and sustainable humanitarian intervention to pave the way for the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

However, the sovereignty of Somalia was a focal point, with both Presidents El-Sisi and Afwerki agreeing on the critical importance of supporting Somalia against any sovereignty undermining actions. The situation in Sudan was also discussed, with a call for joint efforts to end the humanitarian suffering and achieve security, stability, and development for the Sudanese people.

This high-level dialogue between Egypt and Eritrea not only aims to strengthen their bilateral ties but also underscores their commitment to playing a constructive role in regional peace and stability, with a special focus on the sovereignty and stability of Somalia and the broader Horn of Africa.

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