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faysal iyo cirro

Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-The Somaliland opposition political parties have strongly opposed the decision made by the election commission regarding to the upcoming presidential and party elections. In a press release issued on Tuesday, the parties declared the decision of the election committee as illegal and unacceptable.

“The executive committee of UCID party has unanimously decided that the decision by the National Election Commission on 17/7/2023, which favors Musa Bihi, is unlawful and invalid,” stated the press release.

The party further criticized the committee for disregarding the legal procedures for electing a president and announcing an election without adhering to the required regulations stipulated in the constitution.

On the other hand, Waddani party voiced its opposition to the decision made by the discussion committee regarding the elections schedule by the National Election Commission. Khadar Hussein Abdi, the General Secretary of Waddani, expressed concern that the commission’s decision could have negative implications for Somaliland.

“Somaliland is currently facing numerous challenges, and any decision made in this critical period has the potential to destroy the nation. Therefore, our party is carefully evaluating the commission’s decision,” he said.

He further mentioned that the party would engage in consultations with its supporters, social organizations, and relevant stakeholders. The official decision of the party regarding the committee’s decision will be announced by the party’s candidate.

The Somaliland Elections have been long-delayed, resulting in political conflict and unrest in the region. The political conflicts have escalated to armed clashes currently ongoing in the SOOL region, especially in Las Anod town.

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