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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The European Union has on Tuesday called for the protection of Somalia’s sovereignty in accordance with United Nations and African Union charters.

The statement from the European Union comes a day after Somaliland President announced the leasing of 20KM sea to Ethiopia in an agreement signed on Monday.

“On 1 January the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland President Musa Bihi Abdi signed a Memorandum of Understanding on granting Ethiopia access to the sea,” the statement read.

It added, “The European Union would like to remind the respect of importance of respecting unity, the sovereignty and the integrity of the Federal Republic of Somalia pursuant of its constitution, the charters of the African Union and the United Nations.”

The memorandum of understanding between Ethiopia and Somaliland met with rejection from the Somali federal government.

The President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud termed Ethiopia’s actions as an illegal infringement on Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He stated that the federal government would take lawful actions to protect and defend its territory from any attempts by an external party to claim it.

“Somalia belongs to Somalis. We have always defended our territorial integrity and sovereignty, and we will assert our exclusive rights in accordance with international laws. We will protect every inch of our sacred land and not tolerate attempts to relinquish any part of it,” president Mohamud said.

The federal government declared this step as null and void, warning that it would pose threats to neighbors’ well-being, regional peace, and stability. It cautioned Ethiopia against any attempt to violate the sovereignty, independence, and unity of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Somalia has requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council and the African Union to discuss Ethiopia’s violation and intervention against Somalia’s independence.

The Prime Minister of Somalia urged the Somali people to remain calm and assured them that not an inch of Somalia would be claimed by an external party.

Somaliland, which Somalia claims to be part of, declared autonomy in 1991 after the collapse of the functional Somali government but has not yet received international recognition as an independent state. Despite this, it has maintained peace and security for over 30 years.

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