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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Former President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Wednesday afternoon strongly expressed opposition against ongoing debates on the amendments made into the provisional constitution by the Federal Parliament.

President Farmajo said in a press conference yesterday that Somalia still remained in Chapter 7 of the roadmap of state-building under the support and observation of the International Community, saying inclusive politics must include all.

He underscored the significance for the constitution to be completed, but designated that the on-going procedure on it is like a new constitution, replacing the current functioning one. “if it is new, it needed a different process while taking years to accomplish as earlier”, he said.

“Political change in Somalia must happen through genuine national deliberations and consent and in accordance with the rules and procedures of parliament. A rushed political process driven by individual agendas will divide our nation. Inclusive politics must include all”, Farmajo said.

He accused the Federal Government of Somalia of violating key articles in the constitution, and called for an open and inclusive, consultative dialogue with Federal Member States, civil society and other stakeholders to reach consensus.

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