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Kismayo(Mogadishu24)-Jubaland State Authorities said that four Al-Shabaab militants surrendered to the regional and SNA forces at Bula-Haji area about 80 kilometers southwest of Kismayo town in lower Juba region.

The Authorities said that the forces pursued operations following the fall of Bula-Haji village into the Somali National Army and Jubaland State forces a week ago, exposing plans to bring Jamame district under control in the days ahead.

Jubaland State President, Ahmed Mohamed Islam visited the village Tuesday and urged the army to continue operations against Al-Shabaab.

The group did not comment on the latest developments in lower Juba region as though the group controls middle Juba region fully. This also came hours before Al-Shabaab displayed a video footage of displaying new graduates for fighters for the group in unidentified location.

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