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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Cabinet Ministers approved procedural regulations for the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) bill, aimed to promote transparency and oversee the functions and operations of the agency, during their ministerial meeting last Thursday.

The approval follows the signing of the National Intelligence and Security Agency Law by the President of Somalia on March 8, 2023, after passing both Houses of the Somali Parliament.

This legislation will serve as the guiding principles of the agency’s work, addressing issues related to its structure, legal status, functions, and powers.

It will also outline the fundamental rights of agency members, their powers, exceptions, duties, and military deployment, among other key functions.

The legislation stipulates that the National Intelligence and Security Agency must have a regulation that further specifies many aspects necessary for the agency’s operations, which were left to the Regulation by the Agency’s law.

Critical aspects highlighted by the law to be regulated or mandated in accordance with the Agency’s Regulations include:

• Details of the process for the dismissal, retention, and termination of agency members

• Duties of the Director General (Commander) in protecting and enforcing the law, rules, and regulations

• Designation of the Assistant to assume the post of the Director General/Commander when vacant

• Regulation of salaries, allowances, and general rights of agency members

• Ranks and promotion regulations for both security forces and general agency members

• Complaints and claims process for agency members and collaborators

A crucial provision is the article defining the individual who will assume the position of the Director General/Commander when it becomes vacant for any reason.

The legislation also stated that the Cabinet Ministers will appoint an acting director for the Agency if the director general permanently leaves his job. However, the Director General will appoint an acting director when traveling abroad for official duties.

It also underlines the agency’s powers, work, and related activities, allowing direct or indirect intervention in the offices of other government agencies.

Further sections in this regulation elaborate on various aspects related to the agency’s functioning, covering responsibilities, entitlements, promotions, ethical guidelines, and policies regarding leave.

The Director of the National Intelligence and Security Agency, Mahad Salad, expressed appreciation to the Council of Ministers for approving regulations that govern the agency.

“I thank the Council of Ministers for approving the regulation policies for the National Intelligence and Security Agency on 9/11/2023 after successfully going through all the required processes of preparation,” read the statement from NISA Director Mahad Salad.

He stressed the importance of these regulations, emphasizing that they will address the need for implementing the provisions of the agency and also address concerns related to the potential abuse of power by the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA).

“These regulations will have crucial importance for the effective operations of the National Intelligence and Security Agency. They will respond to the current need for the implementation of the provisions of the Agency. They will elaborate and regulate matters that are necessary for the work of the organization,” he added.

During the meeting, the ministers also approved the “Draft Legislation for the Law on Cyber Security of Somalia” proposed by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Technology, aimed at strengthening the nation’s digital security infrastructure.

The federal government of Somalia has in the past few years strengthened its efforts to rebuild its institutions such as the Defense and Security, financial institutions and promote economic growth.

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