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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Five people, including a Madrassa teacher and his students, were killed on Saturday night near the Haji Ali area, in the Adale district of the Middle Shabelle region.

Local sources revealed that these people were killed due to renewed clan clashes in the Lower Shabelle region over the past week.

Community leaders from both warring factions have expressed deep concern and urged residents to remain calm while seeking a peaceful resolution.

Sheikh Mohamud Abdulle, a religious scholar called on both parties to engage in discussions and hold the culprits accountable.

“These tribal conflicts have a major impact on the people in our society. Children are being killed, houses are being burnt and destroyed. This inhumane situation cannot be tolerated. These conflicts will persist until we hold the culprits accountable for their actions,” Sheikh Mohamud said.

He added, “We need to address these ongoing tribal clashes within our brotherly communities. We must return to the negotiation table and seek solutions through peaceful dialogue. Taking the lives of innocent people goes against our religious teachings.”

The federal government of Somalia has called for a ceasefire among the warring communities and urged their members to engage in peaceful dialogue.

“The Federal Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation of Somalia is calling for peace and an immediate ceasefire among the brotherly communities engaged in conflict in the areas under the Adale district of the Middle Shabelle region, where lives and properties have been lost,” the statement from the Federal Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation reads.

The Ministry reaffirmed its commitment to implementing an agreement previously reached by the warring communities.

“The Ministry, in accordance with its constitutional duty, is prepared to fulfill its role by enhancing the implementation of previously agreed-upon settlements between these communities. We call on all parties to refrain from any actions that would further divide our people and encourage peaceful dialogue to end the conflict,” the statement added.

These conflicts erupted two months after an inter-clan conflict resulted in the deaths of more than ten people in the Adale and Raage-Ceele districts within the Middle Shabelle region.

Former Somali President Shariff Sheikh Ahmed led a peace mission that facilitated peaceful dialogue to resolve the conflicts between the warring communities.

Prolonged inter-clan conflicts have long impacted the Somali community, affecting livelihoods and peaceful coexistence among families.

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