Mogadishu24:Somalia media guide,News channels in Mogadishu


Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Italian Ambassador to Somalia, Pier Mario Dacco’ Coppi her meeting with Minister of Information of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Government of Somalia, Daud Aweis Jama at his office in Mogadishu to express to support to Somalia’s efforts to boost culture and tourism.

“Productive meeting with Amb. Pier Mario Dacco’ Coppi of Italy to Somalia! Discussed strengthening ties in media, culture, & tourism. Italy supports Somalia’s efforts to boost tourism & create opportunities for youth. Appreciate Italy’s backing for Somalia’s sovereignty and unity”, Jama said on X Tuesday.

The State-run radio Mogadishu airs Italian language program as part of strengthening ties in the media and culture, as though the young generation don’t understand the language well, despite Italian being of one colonial powers in Somalia.

The Italy is currently involved in supporting over 100 Somali children with heart diseases to be cured in Italy according to its diplomatic mission in Somalia.

“Second group of Somali minors with heart diseases to be cured in Italy (Milan) departed from Mogadishu yesterday! Thanks to the Italian and Somali partners for their amazing contribution to improve the health and quality of life of these kids. Hambaliyo to all of them! “, Italian Embassy in Somalia said on X Monday.

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