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Nairobi(Mogadishu24)-The Governments of Kenya and Angola have on Saturday signed 11 Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) on wildlife management, maritime affairs, agriculture, ICT, oil and gas, health, and various other key areas.

This signing of these agreements took place during the official visit of the Angolan President, João Lourenço, to the Statehouse in Nairobi, Kenya.

Kenya’s President, William Samoi Ruto, reiterated his government’s commitment to strengthening ties between the two nations, particularly in areas of mutual and shared economic success.

“Kenya considers Angola as one of her most dependable and strategic allies in Africa. We reaffirm our commitment to tightening our ties, in the areas trade, investment, agriculture, among other sectors of the economy, for our shared success,” President Ruto said.

“At State House, Nairobi, held talks with President of Angola João Lourenço who is in Kenya for a State Visit. Witnessed the signing of 11 legal instruments — on wildlife management, maritime, agriculture, ICT, oil and gas, health, among others — providing a firm foundation for the growth of Government to Government and people to people relations between our two countries,” he added.

The presidents have also signed agreements regarding the resumption of direct flights from Nairobi to Luanda, as well as discuss visa-free access for citizens of both countries.

“In particular, we will push for a visa-free regime and revisit the resumption of direct flights between Nairobi and Luanda so that we can escalate our rising trade numbers,” President Ruto stated.

Earlier this year, the Kenyan government signed visa waiver agreements with several other countries, including South Africa, Egypt, Comoros, Congo, The Bahamas, and Eritrea.

After the meeting, the presidents had a joint media briefing, during which the Kenyan government pledged support for Angola’s candidacy for membership in the African Union Peace and Security Council.

Kenya’s regional and international influence has been growing as it actively participates in global and regional matters, such as security and peace.

Last week, the governments of Kenya and China signed multiple agreements covering various sectors, including communication, technology, medicine, electricity, and road construction.

Kenya has also signed a five-year joint defense cooperation framework with the United States of America, which will enable the two countries to enhance compatibility and work together for regional peace and stability.

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