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WhatsApp Image 2023 10 08 at 6.34.12 PM

Wajir(Mogadishu24)-Kenyan Government has announced that it has identified the list of ringleaders who have been responsible for launching criminal attacks in Lamu, Kenya.

Speaking at St. Andrews ACK Ndenderu Church, Kiambaa Constituency on Sunday, Kenyan Minister for Interior, Kithure Kindiki, stated that the identified criminals are linked to the killing of innocent citizens.

“The Government has identified the ringleaders and planners of the atrocities in Lamu County using religion and historical grievances as an excuse to kill and maim innocent citizens,” said Kithure Kindiki, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Defence.

The CS noted that the list of suspects will be published within this week and ordered to surrender themselves to the nearest police stations.

“This week, we will publish a list of suspects, and they must surrender at the nearest police station. We will pursue and neutralize all these criminals,” he added.

The minister underlined the interdependence of security and the economic growth of the country, attracting investors.

“There is a direct connection between economic revival and security. We will make our country a safe and secure place for local and international investors,” the Defence minister noted.

Kenya’s regional and international presence has grown as it actively participates in global and regional matters such as security and peace.

Last month, the United Nations Security Council voted for Kenya to lead forces from several troop-contributing countries on a peace mission to Haiti.

The Kenyan Members of Parliament have expressed grave concerns about the deployment of the Kenya Police to Haiti without the approval of the Parliament, citing that the parliamentary mandate has been bypassed.

Hon. Kithure Kindiki further stated that the recommendation of the United Nations Security Council for Kenya Police to be deployed in Haiti will pass through parliamentary approval.

“The request by the United Nations Security Council for the deployment of Police officers to Haiti will be subject to Parliamentary approval. Article 240 of the Constitution requires Parliament to approve the deployment of security forces to any peacekeeping mission in foreign nations,” the Defence minister said.

“There will be no shortcuts or violation of the Constitution in the deployment of our police officers to Haiti. Kenya has previously contributed troops to peacekeeping missions in Namibia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Somalia, and Congo,” he added.

In recent months, Al-Shabaab has conducted several attacks in Kenya, mainly in villages along Boni Forest, such as Juhudi, Salama, and Withu villages in Lamu, killing dozens of Kenyan security forces and civilians.

The government of Kenya has implemented crucial measures to reduce attacks, including identifying and capturing those who provide information, transportation, and supplies for Al-Shabaab militants, as well as establishing a 42KM cutline between Boni Forest and residential areas.

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