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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Residents in the Somali capital Mogadishu on Saturday started removing dead bodies of their relatives from a cemetery near the Police Academy in Hamar-Jejab district in Benadir region following reports of notice informing them to do so.

Family members of one of the deceased, who was buried in the area two years ago, told local TV station that they received notice about the future of the cemetery, saying they are supposed to be destroyed by the Government and feared of their loved one.

“We visited the grave of our dead father here nowadays and we were informed that people should take out their dead ones, therefore, we decided to pull out our father’s dead body from here and rebury him into other safe place”, Mohamed Abdi Murida, son of popular comedian said.

Many dead bodies including former Mogadishu mayor, Eng. Abdirahman Omar Yarrow were buried in this cemetery area.

Mogadishu Municipality or the Federal Government of Somalia did not publicly comment on this move, but this comes as Federal Government of Somalia was clearing many state buildings, in an efforts to reclaim those lands after more than 30 years, despite strong rejections from people living into those lands.

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