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Jigjiga(Mogaishu24)-An 11-year-old girl was defiled and ruthlessly murdered in Jigjiga, the Administrative capital of the Somali Region of Ethiopia, on Monday.

Abdi Ali Siyat, the Commissioner of the regional Police Commission, stated that the police have arrested the main suspect in the crime and are pursuing three other suspects involved in the case.

“An incident occurred in Jigjiga town, where four men defiled and murdered an 11-year-old girl. Following thorough investigations, the police have arrested the primary suspect and are seeking the other three individuals connected to this incident,” said Commissioner Abdi Ali.

He condemned the murder of the young innocent girl and extended condolences to the family.

“On behalf of the Police Commission, I condemn this tragic act and offer my condolences to the family of the young girl who was murdered by the heartless criminals,” he added.

The Commissioner urged the public to remain calm and refrain from actions that could disrupt the investigations.

“The police are conducting investigations until all suspects are arrested. We call upon the community to stay composed, maintain peace, and cooperate with the police during the investigative process,” he added.

Furthermore, the Mayor of Jigjiga city, Eng. Siyat Abdi Ahmed condemned the incident and urged security agencies to swiftly and impartially investigate the matter.

“I condemn the rape and ruthless murder of a young girl by heartless criminals. My condolences go to her family and relatives. I urge and instruct the police to take this case with utmost seriousness and arrest the culprits,” said Eng. Siyat the Mayor of Jigjiga town.

He appealed to the communities to avoid using inflammatory language and opinions that might escalate violence.

“I urge the people to abstain from incendiary language and perspectives that could provoke disputes and conflicts among cohabiting families. I encourage you to collaborate with the police and investigative agencies to ensure effective investigations,” he added.

In recent years, there has been a rise in reported cases of sodomy, defilement and rape among the Somali community, which are attributed to ‘Maslaha,’ a traditional resolution system among Somalis.

Approximately 90% of these cases have been resolved through the implementation of this traditional Somali resolution system, leaving lasting impacts on the victims.

Unfortunately, this system has also created an environment where immoral actions such as gender-based violence, rape, sodomy, and even robbery are on the rise.

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