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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hassan Sh. Mohamud on Tuesday night requested from Islamic scholars(Uluma) in and outside country to pray for the Government and the Somali National Army to win the war against Al-Shabaab.

“I am requesting you to increase Dua for the Government and for the army to win the war, the army made sacrifice and they are ready to die, so it is not important to judge them as they behave like how they get dressed or shave. There’s no one who can say his life is for sale, but the boys took guns, fight and die and get wounded, we must respect them for that and pray them for safety and success”, Hassan said this at an event for rewarding winners of Qur’an recitation competition.

President Hassan’s remarks came hours after heavy fighting between Somali National Army and Al-Shabaab militants at Daru-nicma area in Middle Shabelle region and at area close to Harardhere town in Mudug region with heavy casualties.

Government claimed victory over the confrontation near Harardhere city while Al-Shabaab did the same, and it added that its fighters killed 21 SNA soldiers at Daru-nicma area early on Tuesday morning.

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