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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Prime Minister of Somalia, Hamza Abdi Barre, strongly condemned the bombardment and war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza on Thursday, labeling the Hamas group as freedom fighters, not a terrorist group.

The Prime Minister reiterated Somalia’s firm stance and support for Palestinians who are facing frequent bombardments by the Israel Defense Forces.

“Hamas is not a terrorist group; they are freedom fighters. Why are those who were pretending to advocate for human rights? Where are those who said they are fighting for children and women’s rights? Unfortunately, the Palestinians are portrayed as terrorists and murdered by the Apartheid state of Israel,” said Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre.

Prime Minister Hamza stated that Israel’s actions in Gaza are unwarranted violations of human rights, inhumanity, and war crimes.

“Despite also facing Al-Shabaab threats, Somalia cannot ignore the continuous crimes committed by Israel against innocent Palestinians. They are doing exactly what religious scripture says of them; they are committing war crimes, showing the world their inhuman nature, misbehavior, and mistreatment of human beings,” Hamza said.

He accused the international community of double standards and questioned their silence regarding to the war crimes committed by Israel.

“Unfortunately, a Palestinian child is killed in every 15 minutes. Have you seen the powerful nations that have been advocating for human rights, children, and women’s rights? Have you seen the nations that have been against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? The nations that have been advocating for equal human rights?”

“Their leaders are supporting those innocent people, including women, children, and the elderly, to be bombed by Israel. They are the ones providing the most advanced weapons used to bomb innocent Palestinians in Gaza while the world watches,” he added.

Israel’s bombardment has targeted civilian areas, including hospitals and schools, resulting in the deaths of about 10,000 civilians, including doctors, nurses, patients, and students seeking shelter in hospitals and schools amid increased Israeli bombings in Gaza.

“Israel has destroyed the city of Gaza and killed thousands, mostly children, women, doctors, and patients. They term these murders as mere deaths. When an Israeli dies, they say he or she was killed, and on the other hand, when a Palestinian is killed, they say he or she died,” he continued.

He accused Western nations of orchestrating violence and conflicts in parts of Muslim countries.

“They have created conflicts among us and are funding terrorist groups within us. Now they are portraying Hamas as a terrorist organization and want to force us to declare that Hamas is a terrorist organization.”

“We will never be convinced that Hamas are terrorists; they are never terrorists. Whatever happens, we will consider Hamas as an Islamic group fighting for their freedom and martyrs to those who were killed in the fight,” he added.

The Prime Minister stressed that the establishment of Palestine as an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital is the key to a long-lasting solution to the conflict in the Middle East.

“Today, we are coming closer to victory in freeing Gaza and Al-Aqsa mosque from the Apartheid state. The slightest solution we can accept is the establishment of two separate nations and ensuring the Palestinian people’s right to establish an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital,” he said.

The involvement of the UK and the USA in these war crimes has raised concerns in Arab countries, including Iran, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Turkey, and Qatar.

Turkey’s President warned against the support provided by Western nations to Israel in their actions against Palestinians. He affirmed Turkey’s support for Palestinians in case the Western nations create an escalating ‘war between the crescent and the cross.’

Israel has been conducting air bombings on innocent civilians in Gaza since Hamas launched the deadliest attack on Israel on October 7th, killing at least 1400 Israelis.

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