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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-Former Somali Politician Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar has expressed deep concerns about the security situation in Somaliland, specifically addressing conflicts in Las Anod and the emergence of a new rebel group.

The professor acknowledged the critical role played by the people of Las Anod in Somaliland’s pursuit of independence.

“Those who once championed Somaliland’s independence and sovereignty have now distanced themselves and disassociated. This shows the worsening security situations in Somaliland, as a result of discrimination and injustice,” said Prof. Samatar.

Prof. Samatar also discussed the situation in the Ga’an-Libah mountains, where a new anti-government rebel group named “Dulmi-Diid” has arisen. He recounted experiencing gunshots and attacks during his two-day stay in the town.

“Recent tensions going around the Ga’an-Libah situation, where gunfire erupted on my presence. I personally witnessed this horrific incident. It shows how the unity, connections, and brotherhood among the people of Somaliland is deteriorating, ” added Prof. Samatar.

Moreover, he expressed deep concern regarding the escalating poverty rate and the high cost of living in Somaliland.

“Poverty level has risen in this nation, whether in Hargeisa city or the rural areas where conditions have worsened. Two nights ago, I visited the State House Estate in Hargeisa, home to over 7,000 families. Witnessing their serious circumstances moved me to tears, and I couldn’t eat for the following 10 hours. Their living conditions seriously differ from the standard for human living,” he lamented.

The professor pointed out the absence of essential basic services for the people of Somaliland, including clean water and improved housing. He further accused the government of failing to fulfil its responsibilities in delivering these crucial services to its citizens.

“These families lack basic infrastructure like clean water, improved housing, and proper roads. I witnessed children playing on muddy streets just a few meters away from the Administration’s headquarters. The leaders are aware of the sufferings of these people. Conversations with various community members, including the youth, consistently reveal poverty and unemployment negatively affected their lives,” Prof. Samatar concluded.

Prior to the Professor’s statement, the Somaliland Opposition political parties have raised serious accusations against the government, pointing to a massive increase in rebel groups within the country, which is attributed to President Musa Bihi’s prolonged tenure in power.

The opposition parties also levelled allegations against the government for the high cost of living, economic downturn, and political stalemates.

Dr. Ahmed Ismail Samatar is a prominent former Somaliland politician. The professor is currently James Wallace Professor and Dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship at Macalester College.
He previously lectured at many universities and colleges, including Cornell, Harvard, Iowa, London School of Economics and Political Science, Somali National University, Toronto, University of Amsterdam, York, University of Otago, and Wellesley College.

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