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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-Large people in Borama, Bucro and Hargeysa cities were taking to the streets expressing their feeling of opposition against the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Somaliland and Ethiopian, giving sea access to Ethiopia in the past 24 hours.

Demonstrators accused Somaliland President, Muse Bihi Abdi of traitor, attempting to sell their land and sea without their consent. ” We will never accept to lose land or sea, investment opportunities are open and acceptable as Berbera port before, but giving Lughaye to Ethiopia. No,no”, protestors were changing these angrilly.

in Hargeysa, Members of the House of Representative tabled a motion about the MoU between Somaliland and Ethiopia while founders of SNM and incumbent leaders of the administration are divided into the sensitive issue relating to ways to seek recognition for the region and the sea deal.

“Yesterday, protests erupted in Burco, and today Borame joined in demonstrating against the MoU between the Ethiopian Gov’t and Somaliland. These demonstrations are a testament to the resolute determination of the Somali people to protect their country’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence, while also standing firm against foreign encroachment and greed”, Abdirahman Abdishakur, a member of the Federal Parliament said on X post.

In Mogadishu, the State run media started covering developments mainly protests in areas under Somaliland Administration following the MoU between Ethiopian and Somaliland on January 1st.

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