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The Second batch of Somali troops who have completed military training in Eritrea have returned to Somalia on Sunday night to join the government’s intensified war against the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization.

Although their exact number is not known, inside sources have revealed that at least five flights carrying these soldiers have arrived in Mogadishu.

Reports added that these soldiers have received extensive military training and are well-prepared; they are expected to be deployed to the regions within this month. The first batch arrived in December 2022.

This comes a week after President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud visited the Eritrean Military camps, where thousands of Somali soldiers are being trained.

In an interview with Eritrean national television, the president acknowledged Eritrea’s role in providing training for thousands of Somali soldiers.

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“Eritrea has gone above and beyond in its support of Somalia. Eritrea has trained and equipped over 10,000 Somali soldiers, including specialized forces, who will play vital roles in our future national army, naval forces, and air forces,” President Hassan Sheikh said.

The President listened to reports from the soldiers and praised Eritrea for its support during the training of Somali soldiers. He also instructed them to be ready and prepared to join the forces fighting against Al-Shabaab.

The federal government of Somalia has intensified its fight against Al-Shabaab and strengthened its efforts to the regional level, seeking security cooperation with neighbouring countries and across the world.

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