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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Security forces on Wednesday arrested Hussein Abdulle Mohamed, a local journalist in Mogadishu, following a report of possible reform in National Intelligence Agency Directorates in which he aired Tuesday.

Government sources confirmed the arrest of the journalist this morning, but did not provide details over the exact reason of his arrest so far, but media activists and journalists share the news on the social media platforms demanding immediate release for him.

Office of the Attorney General of the Federal Government of Somalia on Monday revealed that it has conducted investigation into the bank account of Somali Journalists Syndicate(SJS) and frozen it following court order five days earlier.

Journalists’ unions often express concern over the press freedom in Somalia while the International rights group describe ‘Somalia’ as the worst place where journalists operate because of their safety.

Somalia’s Attorney General Office freezes SJS Bank Account

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