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PHOTO 2023 12 07 11 22 36

Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia has issued a directive order for the installation of surveillance CCTV cameras across main markets and shops in the city of Mogadishu in response to escalating security concerns and tackle potential threats posed by the Al-Shabaab militants.

Government officials said that this move aimed at strengthening the security measures in the city has been complied by majority of the business owners, with about 50% of the shops now equipped with CCTV cameras.

Despite the proactive efforts to enhance security, businesses find themselves grappling with an intensified wave of threats and attacks from Al-Shabaab.

Al-Shabaab militants planned a series of targeted explosions specifically aimed at shops equipped with CCTV cameras, causing massive destruction of these establishments and properties.

“ It is not correct how the reports of security issues are written, the Government is responsible of the security of Mogadishu city and developments on this area with joint collaboration of the security forces and people. The issued directives aims to ensure the safety of the people and it will be implemented and the Government will handle if challenges arise”, Minister of Information of Somalia, Da’ud Aweis Jamas said in press conference in Mogadishu Wednesday.

He added that the Government is committed to reach its goal on realizing to implement such directives.

The security forces have been actively engaged in countering the activities of the terrorist group, thwarting several explosive plots, and discovering and removing explosive devices planted within various shops.

Police forces said that the forces foiled terrorist attack at business centers at Black-Sea area near Baker Market in Mogadishu on Wednesday evening, saying two of the terrorists were killed in bomb explosion after an auto-rickshow in which they were escaping exploded while arresting another one who was injured in that incident. “5 civilians also sustained injuries”, The Police said in a statement shortly after laud explosions heard in the capital.

Mogadishu attack

The federal government has called upon the business community to collaborate in countering persistent threats posed by Al-Shabaab, safeguarding public spaces, and ensuring the safety of citizens in the face of evolving security challenges.

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