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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia on Thursday welcomed the affirmation of the African Union Peace and Security Commission towards the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of all member states of the African Union.

“On the basis of upholding that principle, Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity has been violated by Ethiopia when it signed an illegal MOU with the northern region (Somaliland Administration) in Somalia. Conversely, Somalia has not violated these sacred principles”, Somalia’s Ministry of foreign Affairs said in a statement.

The statement said that there was no space for mediation unless Ethiopia retracts its illegal MOU and reaffirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia.

“Somalia stands ready to engage with all member states of the AU, UN, and IGAD on a mutually beneficial relationship that is grounded on international law that can lead to economic development and shared prosperity”, the statement added.

The Somali Government’s comment comes hours after the African Union Peace and Security Commission issued press statement, expressing deep concern over the worsening diplomatic relations between Somalia and Ethiopia.

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