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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Somali Police on Sunday announced the arrest of a murder suspect who had fled from Nairobi, Kenya, to Somalia to escape arrest.

In an official statement from the command of the General Division of the Banadir Regional Police, the suspect, identified as Ahmed Abdirahman Abdullahi, is accused of the murder of Mohamed Hassan in Nairobi, Kenya.

He will now be presented before the relevant authorities for legal proceedings.

“The Somali Police Force, dedicated to upholding the laws of the country, has arrested a fugitive identified as Ahmed Abdirahman Abdullahi who is accused of committing murder in Nairobi, Kenya,” read the police statement.

The statement did not specify when and where the alleged murder happened or the exact location where the accused was arrested.

In October, the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), in collaboration with Kenyan security authorities, arrested Sufyaan Sheikh Ahmed in Kenya. He was accused of propagating extremist ideology and supporting the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization.

The recent collaboration between the Security Departments of Somalia and Kenya is seen as a strong cooperation in information exchange and joint operations to enhance security and stability in the region.

Kenya is one of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troop-contributing countries and has actively engaged in the fight against the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization, which is a threat not only to Somalia but also to its neighbouring countries.

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