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Speaking at Mogadishu Stadium during the commemoration of Somalia’s 63rd Independence, President Hassan Sh. Mohamud urged the Somali people to extend their support to the various development organizations in the country.

“I would like to request the public to lend their support to every government organization that is working towards development agendas. By supporting our organizations, we can achieve our goals,” he said.

President Mohamud further assured the Somali people that the constitution will be finalized within a few months.

“The Ministry of Constitutional Affairs is in the final phase of reconstructing the Constitution. After a decade of incomplete progress, we are confident that, God willing, the constitution will be completed within a few months. Our aim is to have a constitution that will serve as our guiding framework for the country,” he added.

The process of establishing a constitution in Somalia has been a lengthy one, spanning over a decade. This prolonged duration underscores the complexity of developing a comprehensive and inclusive constitutional framework for the nation.

Somalia currently operates under a Federal system of governance, where power is shared between the central government and regional authorities.

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