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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hamza Abdi Barre on Tuesday reiterated Government’s commitment to holding one person, one vote model in the coming election in the country, despite challenges of security and political instability.

Speaking at the event of ‘Launching National Reconciliation Framework’ at the Hanger in Mogadishu, Hamza said that his Government is committed to holding election of one person, one vote model in which the Somali people would choose their leadership.

“We are not hiding and telling lie, it is clear for us and we will work that we will not return back to tents for election. He who wants to go on such model, should know about how we endangered our selves on it. It is our responsibility not return to past”, Barre said strongly.

In recent developments of constitutional review process, the Federal Parliament of Somalia made amendments into four chapters of the provisional constitution, making the country’s parliamentary election to presidential system, but faced strong opposition from the politicians and Federal Members Sates.

“Being prudent entails demonstrating sound judgment, foresight, and careful deliberation. It also involves acknowledging one’s limitations and understanding the factors that influence the political landscape, including its volatility and intricate nature. This awareness enables leaders to make well-thought-out statements that are balanced and realistic, without exaggerating or overstating their claims”, Abdirahman Abdishakur, an opposition and member of the Federal Parliament reacted in this way, referring Prime Minister’s statement today.

It is not known how the current Government could realize its plan towards holding such model of election without consensus and security challenges in the country.

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