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Jigjiga(Mogadishu24)-The Somali State in Ethiopia is implementing effective drought preparedness strategies and it is currently witnessing significant advancements in infrastructure, agriculture, livestock, and social development, according to regional authorities.

Highlighting the effectiveness of the region’s drought preparedness strategies, the President, Mustafe Omer revealed that over twenty trucks of locally produced fodder are currently being distributed to pastoralists in the Siti Zone.

“Our regional drought preparedness measures are paying off. Over twenty trucks of locally produced fodder is being delivered to Pastoralists in Siti Zone. Fodder production activities are implemented through irrigation in Shabelle, Liban, & Sitti zones”, he said on X formerly Twitter.


This initiative is part of a broader effort to bolster the local agriculture and livestock sectors through the implementation of irrigation-based fodder production activities across the Shabelle, Liban, and Siti zones. This development reflects the region’s commitment to enhancing resilience against drought and supporting the livelihoods of its pastoralist communities.

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