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Bujumbura(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia and the Republic of Burundi signed an agreement on Wednesday night to establish a Joint Permanent Commission for Cooperation (JPCC) during President Hassan’s visit to Burundi, accompanied by a high-level delegation from Somalia.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was welcomed by Ambassador Albert SHINGIRO, the Burundian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, along with other ministers and several officials of the Burundian government.

He held a bilateral meeting with his Burundian counterpart, Hon. Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE, and they reaffirmed their strong commitment to strengthening the longstanding bilateral relations between the governments and people-to-people engagement.

In a joint statement, the presidents announced that the Joint Permanent Commission for Cooperation (JPCC) would create a comprehensive framework to foster cooperation in various sectors, including trade and investment, capacity-building, agriculture, education, health, tourism, defense and security, and political consultations for the mutual benefit of the two countries and their respective people.

“At the e level, the two Heads of State commended the establishment of a Joint Permanent Commission for Cooperation (JPCC) to lay out a framework of bilateral framework of bilateral cooperation between the two countries in various sectors including; trade and investment, capacity-building, agriculture, education, health, tourism, defense and security, and political consultations for mutual benefit of the two countries and their respective people,” the statement reads.

They underscored the need to convene a Joint Permanent Commission for Cooperation session and directed their ministers of Foreign Affairs to organize the session to be held next year, with consultations on dates and venue to be discussed through diplomatic channels.

The two presidents also emphasized the importance of implementing the single customs territory (SCT) as a priority for the East African Community.

“The two Heads of State reiterated their commitment to EAC priorities 2022-2026 such as the implementation of the Single Customs Territory (SCT), enhancing domestication of regional commitment in line with EAC common market protocol and strengthening regional peace, security, stability and good governance,” the statement reads in part.

They reviewed regional and international security situations, including Sudan, ensuring their support for international efforts and peace missions to reach a political solution to the DRC issue and put an end to conflicts in Sudan.

The president of Somalia appreciated Burundi’s contributions to Somalia’s peace, security, and stability.

Despite facing health challenges and undergoing surgery on his left shoulder, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has continued to fulfil his public responsibilities, actively participating in international diplomatic missions.

Burundi is one of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troop-contributing countries and has been actively engaged in the fight against the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization, which is a threat not only to Somalia but also to its neighbouring countries.

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