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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia has implemented new educational criteria and reforms aimed at improving the higher education system.

In a statement released on Monday, the Federal Ministry of Education has outlined new criteria for high school graduates seeking to enrol in universities across the country to pursue various degree programs.

The Government has ordered that all high school graduates seeking admissions to any Bachelor’s Degree (first degree) should have a secondary school certificate from an institution recognized by the Ministry of Education.

“That any student seeking admission for a Bachelor’s degree should have a recognized high school certificate. Universities can verify certificates from the Ministry of Education’s website,” reads the statement.

The Ministry further directed that all bachelor’s degree programs should take four years of learning, exclusive of one year of foundation.

“The minimal duration for any Bachelor’s degree program is four years, exclusive of the one year of fundamental (Foundation Year),” reads the statement in parts.

The Minister reiterated that only Bachelor’s degree certificates will be recognized upon verification that the student has joined university with a verified high school certificate.

Similarly, the Ministry said only a Master’s degree with a recognized Bachelor’s degree through a recognized educational system will be recognized.

The Minister stated that only Bachelor’s degree certificates obtained with a verified high school certificate would be acknowledged.

Similarly, the Ministry indicated that recognition of a Master’s degree would require a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution.

This comes after the Government ordered that all students seeking admission to higher educational institutions, including colleges and universities, undergo one foundation year before being admitted to their different learning programs, starting from this education year 2023/2024.

During this foundation year, students are required to take religious studies, languages including Somali, Arabic, English, and Technical subjects, including Academic Writing, Conflict Resolution, Critical Thinking, and public relations.

The Ministry of Education stated that this foundation program will equip students with essential skills and a well-rounded understanding of various disciplines.


However, these directives from the Ministry of Education have sparked criticism from academic experts, students, as well as the general public.

They argue that this new system will not bring any change to Somalia’s educational standard and might simply extend the duration of degree programs across the country without adding substantial value.

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