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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia on Sunday launched major projects in which Saudi Arabia will be funding 40 million U.S dollars in areas of health, education, water, humanitarian issues.

Prime Minister Hamza said that these projects will be useful for the needs of the social services in the country specially the health, education and fundamental services of the people.

Office of the Somali Prime Minister said in a statement that Saudi Kingdom’s Advisor at the Royal Court and Supervisor General of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah together with a delegation arrive in the country for the launching of the projects.

Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah said that Saudi Arabia is committed to supporting Somali Government and people in various areas according to the statement.

The Prime Minister thanked Saudi Arabia for its support to the people and Government of Somalia, underscoring that this would strengthen the brotherly relations between the two countries.

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According to Saudi News Agency, Dr. Al Rabeeah extended appreciation for the Somali government’s facilities provided for KSrelief to perform its humanitarian work, highlighting various humanitarian and relief projects and programs that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia offers through KSrelief to the Somali people.

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