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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia received solidarity from its International Partners, Organizations and countries across the following sensitive agreement between Ethiopia and breakaway republic of Somaliland, leasing 20 kilometers sea access and naval base to Ethiopia.

The Somali Government firmly refuted the ‘so-called’ deal, terming it null and void and unacceptable after holding an extra-ordinary session a day after the news of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ethiopia and Somaliland.

The Government requested United Nations’ Security Council and the African Union to convene urgent meetings to address Ethiopia’s violations and interference with Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial unity while recalling its Ambassador to Ethiopia for consultation.

Response to the Government’s call to the situation from across the world

The African Union, European Union, Arab league, OIC, Egypt and the United States of America responded to the Somali Government’s urgent request to the them, expressing full solidarity and respect with the sovereignty of Somalia.

European Union    

“The European Union would like to remind the respect of importance of respecting unity, the sovereignty and the integrity of the Federal Republic of Somalia pursuant of its constitution, the charters of the African Union and the United Nations”, European Union said in a statement.

African Union

African Union called for calm and respect to de-escalate the tension between the Federal Government of Somalia and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia following signing of MoU between Ethiopia and the region of Somalia(Somaliland).

The Chairperson of the African Union, Mouse Faki Mohamat said in a statement released Wednesday that he was closely following the situation, urging the two countries to refrain from any action that unintentionally may lead to deterioration of the good relations between two neighboring Eastern African countries.

He stressed the imperative to respect unity, territorial integrity and full sovereignty of all African Union member states including the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Republic of Ethiopia.

“Furthermore, the Chairperson underscores the importance of adhering to the norms of good neighbourliness to promote and consolidate peace, security and stability in the Horn of Africa”, said the statement.

He reaffirmed that two brother countries to engage without delay in a negotiation process to settle their differences in the most constructive, peaceful and colloborative manner to consolidate and deepen their cooperation to serve peace and security in the region.

The statement added that he affirmed that the African Union will stands strongly in their side to encourage and an African Solution to the African new tension.

Arab league

The Arab Parliament affirmed its complete rejection of any attempts to violate the sovereignty, independence and unity of the Federal Republic of Somalia, calling on Ethiopia to adhere to the rules and principles of good neighborliness, respect for the sovereignty of states, and non-interference in their internal affairs, in order to achieve security and stability in the region.

The Arab Parliament affirmed that the security and stability of Somalia and respect for its sovereignty is an integral part of Arab national security, stressing the Arab Parliament’s support for the Federal Republic of Somalia in the legal measures it takes to preserve its stability and national sovereignty over its entire territory.

United States of America

The United States of America on Wednesday made clear its position about the worsening diplomatic relations between the Federal Government of Somalia and the Federal Republic of Ethiopia following sea deal with Somaliland on January 1st, 2024.

State Department spokesman, Mathew Miller said the U.S joined other partners expressing serious concerns as well about the resulting spike in tensions of the Horn of Africa, urging stakeholders to engage in a diplomatic dialogue. 

“The United States recognizes the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the federal republic of Somalia within its 1960 borders”, he said, responding to a question related to this matter in which the reporters asked him during a press conference in Washington.

The Somali Government strongly opposed the Ethiopia’s deal with Somaliland, giving it an sea access, in return of recognition, describing it null and void and violation of country’s sovereignty while recalling its Ambassador to Addis Ababa.

Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC)

OIC General Secretariat Expresses Solidarity with the Federal Republic of Somalia, Stresses Need to Respect its Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity

Against the backdrop of its commitment to respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States in accordance with the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and international law, and following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for Partnership and Cooperation between the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and Somaliland on 1 January 2024, the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)  expressed rejection of any act violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia.

The General Secretariat renewed the solidarity of the OIC with the Federal Republic of Somalia and stressed the need to respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity and to safeguard security, peace, and stability in the region.

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