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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The annual conference to discuss and analyze the opportunities and challenges facing Somalia’s production sector has on Monday opened in Mogadishu.

Organized by Hormuud Telecommunications Company, this crucial conference is aimed to facilitate the exchange of insights and experiences on emerging challenges and opportunities within Somalia’s production sector, with a particular focus on livestock production, agriculture, and fisheries.

It serves as an encouragement for pastoralists, farmers, and fishers, as well as a way to promote production and improve product standards.

The conference was attended by high-ranking government officials, including the federal Minister of Trade, Jibril Hajji Abdi, the Chairman of the Somali Traders Association, top management of Hormuud Telecommunications Company, and experts in the production sectors.


Ahmed Mohamud Yusuf, Chairman of Hormuud Telecom, reiterated the company’s commitment to encouraging individuals and institutions involved in the production sector.

“It is a great honour to welcome you to the Somali Winners Show, an annual meeting organized by Hormuud Company, designed to promote Somali entrepreneurs who provide essential services to our society. This year, we will encourage Somali businessmen and cooperatives who aim to produce food for our community through agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishing,” said Ahmed Mohamud Yusuf.

Mr. Jibril Haji Abdi, Somalia’s Minister of Trade stated that exported goods worth $6 billion last year, significantly contributing to the country’s economy.

“Last year, Somalia exported goods worth more than $6 billion, while our exports were only $50 million. It is essential to increase the country’s production to ensure self-sufficiency in food,” stated Jibril Haji Abdi, Minister of Trade and Industry of Somalia.

Somalia heavily depends on livestock, which contributes over 80% of the country’s economy and 65% of the living standards.

“Agriculture needs funding, workers need training, and our products it needs a market. When we come together, we can achieve a self-sufficient Somalia,” said Prof. Mohamud Mohamed Mohamud, Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture of Somalia.

Hirsiyo Abdullahi Siyat, the founder of Somfresh Production Company, emphasized the unique resources Somalia possesses and the unemployment challenges Somali youth are facing.

“Other countries do not have an ocean, rivers, and livestock all at the same time. We have such unique resources. Ethiopia, which has a larger population than us, does not have an ocean for fishing, but is ready to invest in its country,” Ms. Hirsiyo said.

She added, “I would like to encourage our youth to put more effort into our natural resources and invest in our production sectors, such as fishing, livestock, and agriculture. It is disheartening that while we have such resources, our youth are struggling with unemployment.”

The Chairman of the Somali Seafood Export Association noted that poor fishing equipment has contributed to the declining production in the fishing sector.

“We have inadequate fishing equipment, and we fish with cables. We also lack suitable fishing equipment. When we catch fish, we don’t have a proper port to dock our boats,” said Ali Ibrahim Siyad, Chairman of the Somali Seafood Export Association.

Dr. Abdirahman Jamaa Kulmiye, a Fisheries Expert, addressed the challenges facing fishermen, leading to low income and a lack of motivation.

“We lack financial support for our fishing sector, which is a backbone of our production. Our fishermen do not have cooling machines, meaning the fish they catch from the sea does not last more than a day. Therefore, they are forced to sell at a lower price in the evening,” explained Dr. Abdirahman Jama Kulmiye, Fisheries Expert.

Somalia has, over the past few years, managed to reform its institutions, particularly in the sectors of production, finance and security.

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