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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-The Somaliland Opposition political parties have raised serious accusations against the government, pointing to a massive increase in rebel groups within the country, which is attributed to President Musa Bihi’s prolonged tenure in power.

The Wadani party strongly opposed the elections schedule released by the elections commission last week, contending that it favours Musa Bihi, given his prolonged stay in office.

The opposition party has levelled serious allegations against the government, citing concerns over the high cost of living, economic downturn, and prevailing political stalemates.

The opposition party also levelled allegations against the government for the high cost of living, economic downturn, and political stalemates.

Khadar Hussein Abdi, the Secretary General of WADDANI Party, expressed concerns about ongoing conflicts, particularly in Las Anod, and the challenging economic situation.

“We are acutely aware that the country has been grappling with conflicts, particularly in Las Anod, along with soaring living costs, a declining economy, and a political stalemate since 2021. We must question the six years of Musa Bihi’s rule, during which he inherited a peaceful country with six harmonious regions. However, now, Somaliland faces internal division and conflicts. It has become a place where the formation of militias was unheard of before,” said Khadar Hussein Abdi, Secretary General of Wadani Party.

He further accused the government of delays in elections and committing extrajudicial killings, leading to escalation of conflicts to armed clan clashes.

“The government has been breaking the law, committing extrajudicial killings, and delaying elections for so long until the clashes arise. The government of Musa Bihi does not want elections to happen. These delays have caused wars and the formation of rebels and clan militias,” he stated.

Last week, the Somaliland Elections Commission announced that the presidential elections are scheduled to take place on 13th November 2024, leading to the extension of his term by another year.

The UCID Party has rejected the National Elections Commission’s decisions, claiming to be illegal and unconstitutional.

“The executive committee of UCID party has unanimously decided that the decision by the National Election Commission on 17/7/2023, which favours Musa Bihi, is unlawful and invalid,” stated the UCID party’s statement.

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